Flourish and Thrive

Step by Step

Pay as go and join us when you can make it for £10 per meet-up. Don't forget that you have access to online peer support too! Plus, your five-year goal planner, which you will receive when you sign up.

Meet-ups start on Thursdays every six weeks. 

7pm - 9pm

Flourish and Thrive is an ethnically diverse online development space for women designed by women.

Get started and develop the confidence to have your desired career and lifestyle.

Are you undergoing a house renovation? Do you have professional goals, want better job satisfaction and clarity on the direction you should be going in your career? Do you want to sleep better at night? Do you dream of booking an annual holiday for your family?

This programme enables growth with accountability, without shame and guilt. In five months, you will put into action lifelong aspirations, learning about yourself and making better decisions.

Development Guide


Build a Five-Year Plan 


Essential Tools for Learning In Action


My Sweet Spots


Me vs Me


Flourish and Thrive  

Over five months, you will explore, identify, express and appropriate yourself

though the benefits of an organic flow of achievements in an equal and equitable space with women who have found time

for things they enjoy.


Five-year planner

Resources for each session

Online peer group Support

One-hour clarity session on your Five-Year Plan 

WORTH £439


“It was so amazing; thank you, Michelle. I’m so grateful for your help and advice with my son and everything else.”

“It was such a fabulous session. Very grateful for you, all the learning and growth.”

If you have any questions or require assistance please reach out below.